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Interview in September 2017.
PPP:- You now have quite an output having written seven books so far. When did you start writing?Julie:- It was only a couple of years back. PPP:- What led you to start writing? Julie:- I was getting through some personal problems. My marriage had broken down and I had a very bad health problem to deal with. I often felt really bad, suppose a bit depressed. I started writing this book about a young woman fully confident in her sexuality who had lots of exciting adventures after she bought some patterned stockings. It became The Spider Stockings. It was a bit messy at first but I got a friend to help me sort out the grammar and spelling. She thought it would be good to publish and she told me about you, and the rest is history, as they say. PPP:- Were you surprised that it got published? Julie:- I sure was. I mean I'm not exactly a well educated person. I write as I think, I suppose. It can be a bit of a pouring out of ideas, but I like doing it. I never ever thought I would be an actual writer. PPP:- Is the character in Spider based on you? Julie:- I'm not sure. I'm not so glam and confident as she would be. One of my friends once said to me that she's my alter ego, a sort of other part of me. Maybe that's true. If she was was me and I was her, then I would be having too much fun to be writing about it. PPP:- So your books are not autobiographical? Julie:- No, I don't exactly live like the women in my books do. I have my moments, but my life is not like the books. PPP:- So everything is created from your imagination? Julie:- Well the plots are, the storyline is made up. Some of the scenes are based on my experiences. When I was younger, I had quite a wild time with lots of guys, and I still remember lots of those things. That comes into my books. The descriptions of sex scenes often come from my experiences. I'm not exactly celebate nowadays. PPP:- Has writing changed your life? Julie:- Yes it definitely has. I feel so much better about myself. I feel I've achieved something now, that cannot be taken from me. I love looking at my bookshelf and seeing the lovely little pink books. I want a whole bookcase full. PPP:- Do you ever feel you could become a famous celebrity? Julie:- Oh no. That would frighten me. I just like being a writer. I know my books are so explicit that lots of people would be shocked. So I keep my writing secret from all except a few close friends, and they are sworn to secrecy. My mum would be horrified and so angry with me if she realise I wrote such books. PPP:- Would you ever think of writing a less erotic book? Julie:- I don't think so. I really like writing about sex. Going into it so deeply. I have tried to read other erotic books by women and I find most of them a bit tame. I'm afraid I have a bit too dirty a mind, and it's nice to be able to write things down. I don't think I would know how to write about anything else. PPP:- Do you find your own writing is stimulating? Julie:- Not while actually writing it. I mean it's hard work putting things down in words. But sometimes if I re-read one of my books then I do find it stimulating, as you say. PPP:- You've created some wonderful characters - the Art School Goth and the Mouse in Chavs, just to mention two. Julie:- I like both of these. They are such naughty girls. They have such adventures. PPP:- Do you have such adventures? I expect you have quite a naughty side too. Julie:- To be honest, things changed for me alot after I started writing. I had been living a bit of a quiet life before. Writing sort of gave me confidence in myself again. I mean, I'm no glamour model, as you can see, but I sort of came out of my shell and began going out again. I like going clubbing with my women friends. PPP:- Clubbing and parties does come into your stories a lot. Julie:- Yeah it's great fun finding guys are attracted to you. I never tell them about my books of course. I don't want to be notorious. PPP- You should let people know what you are writing. You've got such a unique style that, I think, lots of people would admire. Julie:- It probably wouldn't be admiration I would get, more likely I'd be pestered by men I wouldn't be interested in. I get lots of emails from guys who think I'm some sort of available slut. Some have even offered me money for a night out. Well not exactly a night out, more a night in. I mean, that's totally sick isn't it. It's why I don't want to go public. Well, if I sold millions and had plenty of money, then why not, but my writing only brings in a small amount of money, so I'll keep my privacy. PPP:- I notice a growing lesbian dimension to your books. Julie: When I was young I had those sorts of feelings, but it took a while before I was able to let things happen. During my wild period around about 19-21, I was quite bisexual. Then I got a number of longer term boyfriends and in my mid 20s eventually got married. So I was totally heterosexual then. When I began writing I found that my bi-side was coming out again. You asked before if writing changed my life. Well it probably has, as I started looking for women as well as men. I often now go to lesbian bars and clubs. I'm quite a naughty one that way now. PPP:- Do you think you will write an entirely lesbian book? Julie:- I don't think so. I like guys too much. I'm just a naughty bitch who likes a bit of both worlds. PPP:- So what are you planning on writing now? Julie: I've so many ideas. I don't seem to run out of plots. My next book will be about an escort, a sort of diary of one week in the life of an escort girl. Another book I've almost finished is one where I imagine my fanny telling its story - it's very funny. PPP:- That's a key part of your style, isn't it. Explicit sex and humour. It sure seems to work. Julie:- Well the humour is part of me. I do often find having sex, or the situation around it, rather funny. Not that I laugh out loud or anything, but I often get amused by the things guys say or do. That finds its way into my writing. PPP:- You must like sex a lot as you write so enthusiastically about it. Julie:- Yeah, though I did have that bad few years after my marriage breakup, when I just withdrew into myself. I suppose that's where all the masturbation scenes in my books come from. I must admit I still do that alot. Happily, I now have a much more balanced sex life with plenty of actual sex with guys, and a few women. |