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Julie's Blog I have just decided to start up this little blog. I know blog's are a bit outdated and maybe even a bit uncool, but I'm 41 and I don't care. I'm going to do it anyway. Monday 8th January 2024:- I'm back! Things got in the way. Covid then a had a boyfriend, who wouldn't understand about me writing erotic books. He's gone now and I'm back writing. Two new books are available Naughty Me The Whopper Both great fun and very sexy. I've got more in the pipleline too. It's great to be back writing, though I did enjoy that boyfriend's attention. They cum and they go! Monday 27 March 2022:- Sorry for being out of things recently. I got the dreaded Covid in September, and it turned into long Covid. I'm just getting out of it now. I have made a few more books even though I felt tired a lot of the time. I haven't been out much these past months, but I will soon start having fun again. My publisher is back in town now, having hidden from Covid at his holiday home on the Canary Islands for the last two years. --------------------------Old pre-covid entries---------------------------- Friday 27 December:- I seem to have been banned from Facebook for putting up too explicit content. Saturday 21 December:- During the Edinburgh Festival I got in with a small crowd of guys, mostly students, who were interested in my books. At a party one of them told me about this old book from over three hundred years which was similar to mine. He got me a copy for me to read on my computer. I think the actual book would be very rare and expensive. I found it a bit difficult to read but I liked the style - lots of cunts and pricks in it! He said he would help me type it out and modernise the English. It turned out not to be erotic stories, but a sex manual. It took quite a lot of work to type it all out and change the old words into modern. I asked my publisher if he would make it into a book, and he agreed. The student decided not to have his name connected to it as he didnt want his friends or parents knowing, so its done under my name. My publisher managed to add the 12 pictures from the book. Its really interesting, and was a bit of a change from writing a story. Saturday 16th November:- The last few weeks I have been 'seeing' a new boyfriend. I rather liked him. He seemed good fun. Then I made the mistake of showing him my books. He couldn't really avoid them as they are all around my flat. I gave him some to read. He was horrified, and sent me a rather unpleasant text. What a prude. So that is over. My publisher was much amused. My next book is being proofread at the moment. It's called 'A wild week in Benidorm', and the title says it all, I hope. Lots of lessie stuff in it. Which is strange as I've not been doing that for a while. My publisher says it's my unconscious erupting. Don't know about that. I just write the stories. Friday 25th October:- I've just sent my next book to my publisher. It's called Blondie and the four fannies which will probably confuse my American readers. It's very sexy so the guys will like this one. It's about a very attractive young woman who is at the centre of a little gang of four other girls who go out looking for sexual encounters. Based a little bit on a girl I knew when I was young. Unfortunately I never got to join her gang. Wednesday 16th October:- Had a rather wild time at the Edinburgh Festival. Got invited to a number of parties. Made some contacts with literary types. One even said I was 'Postmodern street', which he then tried to explain to me. Another said I was writing 'humourotica'. I liked that one. It's easy to understand and sort of sums up my style. I got little writing done at that time, but now have caught up, with two books almost finished. My publisher says they are rather sexy, "nicely explicit" is what he said. I don't know what I would do without him. He's my biggest fan. He's decided that we should include the sex slang dictionary, that we did together, in the back of all my future books. I'll keep adding to it. Sunday 16th June:- Sorry guys for not keeping up my blog. I've been very busy. Since February I have had my 20th book published Art School Goth gets Casting. It's very funny in places with very explicit sex. Try reading the extract and see if you can keep control of your bits. I also took a short holiday and this led to me beginning to write a story about a young woman who goes on holiday to Benidorm with one of her mates and they have a rather wild time with the guys. So you can imagine what I got up to on my holiday, lol. It should be published in July or August at the latest. I'm getting lots of ideas for further books. I just can't stop writing. It's quite addictive. The last three years, since I started writing have been the best time of my life. Mr Pink Panties, my publisher, organised a party on my birthday early in June, to celebrate my 20th book being published. He bought me twenty pink panties which he had specially made with a little logo on them. I went to the loo and changed into them so I could give all the guests a wee show. I lifted up my dress to show them off a few times that night, lol. Brilliant night it was. Monday 25th February:- The publisher is doing the proofreading on my next book. It's about a 35 year old female singer who fronts a band of guys in their early 20's. Thus the title 'The boys in the band'. She specialises in suggestive and provocative cover versions of well known songs, mostly by women artists. She puts her own spin on them. This way she is often able to meet some fanciable guys in the audience, and if that doesn't work out, then she can always rely on the boys in the band to end her night with the necessary sexual fun. I loved writing this book as it is partly based on a mad few months when I tried singing with an all male band. I wasn't as good a singer as the woman in my book, but I probably had almost as much fun. Read it on Kindle unlimited when it comes out later in March. Wednesday 7th November:- I'm almost finished the latest book. It's about a barmaid and the antics she gets up to with a group of students. This one has been quite easy to write. It's very explicit. My publisher says I am getting more and more naughty, and he should know, the wee sweetie. I've sixteen books out so far, plus the Barmaid in Blue Jeans, and three more others half way finished. When I get to twenty, Mr Pink Panties Press has promised me a party in a hotel, so I will need to keep going on the keyboard - so maybe in January. Monday 8th October:- The Pink Panties Press publisher has been so ill for the last few months that he couldn't really work on my books. He missed all the fun at the festival, but I went round alot and cheered him up. He is such a sweetie. I don't know what I would do without him. He puts up with my all moods and sillyness. He should get a Noble Prize. Monday 24th September:- I had a brilliant time during the Edinburgh Festival. Met up with a lot of people. I found some really nice young guys who have been helping me a lot with me writing parts of my books from a male perspective. I finished a book 'Double Vision' which is a bit of an experiment, where I let the reader see both the guy and the woman's way of looking at sex. My publisher is not convinced it works, but I managed to persuade him to let me try it. He's a sweetie. It will be out in a few weeks, probably at the beginning of October. I have so many ideas now for new books. The one I'm working on right now is about a woman who is invited to join a witches coven. The witches specialise in sex magic. It's fun and very sexy. Sunday 5th August:- I've been thinking of writing one of my erotic novels on the theme of Witchcraft. I read a couple of books, but couldn't really imagine the scene. Last month I met a guy who is in a witchcraft coven and he explained things to me. So I managed to get enough gen from him - it took a few weeks of me being especially nice to him - but I've now got enough to begin writing. Wednesday 18th July:- After I finished my hermaphrodite book, where I had to imagine what its like to be a man having sex, I decided to try to write a book with the man as the main character, with the sex scenes seen from his perspective. I did some research into erotica written by men and found that a bit too automatic and mechanical, all descriptions of their bits in action. I decided I would try to write it more from the emotions of the man. I've done three chapters and my publisher seems to like it. I also showed it to a guy I used to go out with and he thought I had got it right. Anyway, that's what I'm writing at the moment. Might be a flop, but I fancy doing it. Saturday 14th July:- There has been some nice things said about my latest book, Hermaphrodite, as well as some very critical things. It's about a woman who has some male bits. When she grows up she finds that in addition to liking sex with men, she wants to have actual sex with women, using her large clitty. One of my readers said the bit I wrote about her having sex like a man with a woman were very convincing, and he challanged me to write an erotic book written from a male perspective. I will think about it ! Though I do like a challenge. Friday 29th June:- Sorry, I've been so bad at keeping this blog going. So much is happening at the moment. I'm working on two books right now, and about half way through both. I really love writing, and I think I've got a catchy style. I'm good at writing about sex and in making up themes. The book sales have been better recently as I get more known. I'm 38 now and feel the horrible approach of the big four-oh. I wish I had kept my figure, but I'm addicted to crisps, sweeties and white wine. Wednesday 13th June:- My book about a girl who is both a bit male as well as female, is now out. I'm not sure if it will interest many people, but it was fun for me to imagine myself in the man's role and shagging a woman. I think it worked. Anway my publisher liked it alot, and he is the one who counts. He doesn't know it yet but he's going to get written into a book I have planned for later this year. LOL. < ![]() Saturday 26th May:- Mousing around is out today. Some readers really liked the character of Mouse that I had in my Chavs book, so I wrote one about her. I wrote myself into the book, well not actually me but the writer me, if you know what I mean. I laughed alot when writing this one. I expect you guys will too but you will have a stiffy in your hand when you do. Saturday 16th May:- Sorry to let you all down. I got so absorbed in writing last month. I now have three new books - A Change of Style and The Masquerade Club are now out, and 'Mousing Around' is waiting on its final proofread. I have also now finished the draft for my Hermaphrodite book. I set myself the challenge of writing it partly from a male perspective. Mr Pink Panties was very impressed, so I hope you will be too. It will be out in June, I hope. He has done an incredibly good cover for it. My pink Panda car has gone and died and will have to go to be crushed. Its engine had problems and it failed the MOT badly, so at present I am carless. Saturday 31 March:- Heh it's been over a month since I posted on my blog. I've been busy on Facebook and Twitter and also writing. I've finished my next book and Mr Pink Panties Press is proofreading it and setting it up for printing. It's called 'A Change of Style'. Should be out in a few weeks. Last year I promised to do another book featuring one of my best known characters, The Mouse, from 'Chavs'. I've started on that and should get it done for May. The Mouse just appeared in one chapter in that book, but I am writing a whole series of sexual adventures for her. You will find it great fun and quite stimulating. She is probably the sort of girl I would not dare to be. Saturday 24 February:- One of my readers sent me this limerick. There was a writer called Julie Topper Whose books were very improper Full of cunts and pricks And men's sexual tricks But no whinging critics could stop her. Sunday 18 February:- Had a wee holiday with two of my mates. The usual Canary Islands. Well its cheap in the winter and still sunny. Since I got back I've been rather a bad old girl. I discovered this sex club and reckon I must be its most active member! It's like being 18 again. So, so bad, I am. Tuesday 23 January:- My Hermaphrodite book is about half way written. It has been quite hard to do as I had to research what it was like to be a hermaphrodite. I think I have been able to imagine it quite well. I got the help of a goth girl I met a while ago, who seems to know alot about this. There is still alot to do, but I think its going well. Monday 1 January:- Ive started writing a book which features a hermaphrodite or intersex or whatever. I woke up this morning about 12.00 after a really good New Year, and had this wish to start writing it. I had been thinking about it for a few days. I wrote three chapters, about 12 pages during the afternoon and evening. The introduction was difficult to sort out, but once I got into the first sex scene it all worked out very quickly. I have a few more days off my day job this week, so will probably write a good bit more of it. Saturday 30 December:-My facebook page is really developing now. I started in November and it was slow at first to get any interest. But now I have nearly 400 Facebook friends and it is getting really exciting. My page is www.facebook.com/julie.topper.94 if you want to join in the fun. Saturday 30 December:-Christmas is over at last! I had to spend it being nice to my Mum and wearing very boring ordinary clothes. New Year is much more exciting. Lots of parties, drink, my gigly friends, one of my tarty short skirts, heels, lots of eye makeup and hopefully plenty of the sort of fun I like best of all. Monday 18 December:-I seem to have built up a following on Facebook in the transgendered and CD community. Its strange as I have never written about that. Maybe I should. Saturday 9 December:- One of my facebook friends asked if I was 'cis'. I wasn't sure then I found it is really 'cisgender', which seems to mean that you were born a woman and you do the normal things that women do. Not sure if it actually means your totally hetero, so it may not apply to bi women. Bit confusing. Friday 8 December:- My new motto. Me to a 'T'. Friday 8 December:- This week while working on my next book, I suddenly had an idea for another. I started making a couple of chapters and they sort of came very easy. They turned out to be very explicit, some of the best sex scenes I have done so far. Totally bad girl stuff. I let my publisher read them and even he blushed. Well, not really, but it is a nice picture! Saturday 2 December:- My publisher came round on Friday with some prosecco and we spent the evening creating a dictionary of Scottish and English sexual slang. He took my suggestions and turned them into a sort of formal list. This was so that people, especially those in America could understand some of the words I use. Thursday 30 November:- My next book is now out. It's called A week in the life of an escort, and should now be on Amazon. You can see details on the website. Wednesday 29 November:- I have just gone on Twitter but I'm finding it much more confusing than Facebook. I am called @JulieErotica on there. It will take quite a while for me to get the hang of it. Tuesday 28 November:- I get a few emails from guys wanting to be in my books. They tell me that they are so sexy that they would make a good story. I wonder if they have actually read my books, as I quite often set up guys in the story for the heroine to make fun of in a gentle sort of way. So they might not get such a sympathic picture of themselves as they expect. I don't really need any male role models for my stories. I have a good imagination and lots of personal experiences to draw from. I suspect these guys are just fishing for a chance to meet me and try it on. Sorry, guys that's not going to happen. Sunday 26 November:- Crazy wild Saturday evening in Glasgow and wasn't even drunk. I went on a research visit to a sex club with my publisher who drove us over. I just relaxed and went with it. I'm definitely going to write my next book about a sex club. I will visit this place again. I was probably the youngest person there, and I'm 37, but age doesn't matter. It's full of regular members so they really liked seeing a new face. Well not just the face, lol. Bad girl I was. Friday 24 November:- There was funny comment on Amazon. One of the people buying The Spider Stockings thought she was ordering actual spider stockings for a Halloween costume. She was surprised to receive what she called a trashy novella, but gave me 5 stars for the laugh it gave her. Maybe I should entitle my web page - Julie Topper, author of trashy novellas. Thursday 23 November:- I have done all the corrections to the escort girl book, well really my publisher has. I just sort of go along with what he says. The printed proof should be here in a week or so for the final corrections, then it will go up for sale. There are some great funny bits in it, and lots and lots of sex. Sunday 19 November:- I went through to Glasgow with one of my friends on a research visit for my next book. We had to leave early cos my friend got a bit upset. She was okay with the idea but the reality sort of freaked her. I will go back on my own. It's not about tattoos in case your trying to guess. You will understand when you realise what my book is about. I'm not ready to announce till I'm sure I'll go on with it, and have begun writing, but my publisher is very keen. He said he would go with me in my next research visit. Wednesday 15 November:- Now the escort book is finished and I just have to go through the proofs, I'm thinking about a new book. I have a few ideas, of course, cos I have such a dirty mind! I'll let you know what I decide. I still have a book I started in the summer, but got sort of stuck half way through. This hasn't happened before cos I usually just keep going, but this one gotm stuck. I will see if I can unstick it. Friday 3 November:- I talked to the publisher and he said perhaps I should cut down on the fannies and pricks, and instead have pussies and cocks. Its not really me. Hope he doesnt insist and fall out with me. Thursday 2 November:- My next book is getting on well. I'm more than 3/4 the way through. It has some very funny bits in it as well as oodles of sex scenes. Ill probably finish it next week. It will need lots of corrections and proofreading as usual. Im not such a great speller, and I get the commas wrong. Mr. Pink Panties will sort it out. He's a sweetie. Wednesday 1 November:- I went looking on the internet for other women writers of sexy stories. I found alot of women writers doing chiclit. This is not my thing. They seem to be writing for women readers. I write for men to read. I like getting men excited. That's the whole point of my books surely. Also I think my style and words are very different from the american way. They don't all understand Scottish or British slang terms. They don't even know what a fanny or a blowie is. I can't write in a proper style as I think using these words. My publisher suggests I have a sort of slang dictionary on the website, or in the back of each book. Not sure about that. Sunday 29 October:- My publisher wants me to go on a social media spree and try and get myself better known. I found a number of other authors and websites that publicise them. Some of them seem to be under the label of - Erotic Romance - not sure I fit into that. Theres not much romance in my books. Also lots of the books seem to have pics of men on the covers, which is not what my publisher has done, so maybe I dont really work in that category. I read some extracts of these books and they seem to have lots of complicated plots and descriptions and lots of nice phrases. My efforts are not so polished and perfect. My books are much more raw. There is a sex scene in every chapter, so im not Erotic Romance it seems. Saturday 28 October:- I've decided to set up a facebook page so that fans can get news of me there. It will take a while to build up friends and contacts, but it could be fun. The page is www.facebook.com/julie.topper.94 It seems there are already 93 other Julie Topper's on Facebook, and I thought I was unique! Well, I bet Im the only one who can describe a BJ from the inside out. Friday 27 October:- My latest effort, which I call affectionately, for short, the Banana book, was published a few days ago. Already a few sales have trickled in. Just a handful so far but that is the usual way. Im now more than halfway through the next, which is very funny in places. I really loved what this guy Adrian said about my books "Sex with humour. Now I can have a laugh and enjoy a stiffy at the same time". I think that says alot about what I am like. I often find sex very funny, all the huffing and puffing and the noises sometimes crack me up, but I try not to laugh when the guy on top of me is getting close to his cum. |